Sunday, March 23, 2008

I Made My Own Dieting Works

Rule 1#: Natural Herbal BeautyFar away from the kitchen. Kitchen made me fat. Since I met boyfriend, loving him also let me fall love with my kitchen. Honestly, I like cooking. My kitchen is always full of our favorite food, cooking never be a disaster. It ends up with increased waist and weight. The best solution I had to keep me far far away from kitchen was to put a full package of chicken fat in my fridge, So each time, I open the fridge, that ugly oily thing made me feel throwing up.

Rule 2#: Every meal with herbs. Simple reachable herbs like spring onion, mint, pepper, coriander, celery, and chili. I love their smell, which really help control my appetite and add much more taste to my food. My favorite recommendation is chili. A few drops of Tabasco can deal with a small portion of meal and the hunger easily.

Rule 3#: Regular Exercises. I keep 15 minutes walking or running on my backyard. It improves body's metabolism which makes me sweat. So I drink a lot of water, I believe it can rush away some parts of body fat e.g. bump and stomach. Also exercise is good to keep me fit. It is better to lose inches rather than weight. Dieting is not only about giving up the weight, but also improved energy and fitness.